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Is Inflation Causing Your Pooled Trust Fees to Increase?

Inflation is everywhere and causing havoc to many household budgets. Everything is going up including gas, groceries, and utilities, which are just a few examples of the rising costs of living.
Fortunately for our existing and new clients, KTS Pooled Trust will not be raising our fees at this time. If you are considering switching from your current pooled trust, we’ll even waive our enrollment fee when you switch to KTS.

Don’t Let Inflation Raise Your
Pooled Trust Fees.

Inflation is everywhere and causing havoc to many household budgets. Everything is going up including gas, groceries, and utilities, which are just a few examples of the rising costs of living. Unfortunately, even some trust organizations have increased their pooled trust fees, seemingly in line with other types of increases. 

Fortunately for our existing and new clients, KTS Pooled Trust will not be raising our fees at this time. If you are considering switching from your current pooled trust, we’ll even waive our enrollment fee when you switch to KTS. We will also help you through the transition by assisting you in filling out the KTS application, etc.

How KTS Pooled Trust is holding the line on inflation.

While others are increasing their pooled trust fees, KTS Pooled Trust is putting its members’ needs first during this time of rising costs. This has always been our goal and we will continue to provide the best in customer care at reasonable fees. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Our fees are lower. KTS Pooled Trusts fees are already lower than many of our competitors. Our fee structure is less complicated and straightforward, while other trusts are higher and incorporate a more complex system and less transparent fee structure. These higher competitors’ fees typically include monthly fees, fees for the amount held in the trust, and annual fees based on certain percentages. 
  • Competitors are raising their fees. Many of our competitors are raising their fees, which have already been shown to be higher than KTS. For example, many of our competitors have increased their monthly fees 2% more than KTS fees and have raised their minimum administration fees and maximum fees. Some trusts are even increasing pooled trust fees for their current clients as well as new members. At this time, KTS has no intention of raising fees or changing the minimum and maximum fees for our members. 

Why you should consider switching to KTS Pooled Trust.

  • Exceptional Customer Care and Services
    If superior customer service that’s friendly and reliable is important to you, KTS is here to help. We take pride in offering our members first-class services like 24/7 account access, same-day and automatic bill payment, and no limits on monthly payouts—just to name a few. 
  • Personal Attention

KTS Pooled Trust offers professional management, innovative client support, and the personal attention that you deserve. At KTS Pooled Trust, we share your values and when you become a member of our trust, you become part of the KTS family.

  • Lower Fees

Our fee structure is simple and straightforward, lower than many other trusts, and currently we are maintaining these lower fees for our members. In addition, for a limited time for new members who switch to KTS Pooled Trust, we’ll waive our enrollment fee.

Switching to KTS Pooled Trust.

With the grips of inflation and higher prices cutting into your budget, it may be time to switch your pooled trust to KTS. Especially if you’re seeing your current pooled trust fees increasing, experiencing poor customer service, delayed responses to your emails, extended wait times to answer your phone calls, disbursement, and bills paid in an untimely manner. 

We invite you to switch over to KTS, and when you do,  we won’t charge you the $250 enrollment fee and will help you with the paperwork when you switch. You read that right, we’ll waive the enrollment fee and handle all the paperwork hassle-free for you to make the switch. 

Join the KTS family!

At KTS Pooled Trust, we’re happy to do our part in “holding the line on inflation” by maintaining our lower fees and keeping our rate structure the same while competitors are increasing their pooled trust fees. So, if keeping more of your Social Security and getting the best customer care are on your list of priorities for 2023, join our family of satisfied members today.

And in case you haven’t heard…Social Security is also counteracting the effects of inflation.

Social Security Benefits 

There is some good news if you are receiving Social Security as 70+ million Social Security beneficiaries will begin to receive a historic increase in benefits for 2023 due to a Cost of Living Adjustment. This welcome bit of relief for those on a fixed income is a result of the Social Security Administration’s adjustment to counteract the effects of inflation on these monthly checks. 

Social Security Allowable Income Limits

On another positive note, the Social Security allowable income limits are also going up for those who are still working while claiming retirement benefits. These income limits represent the amount of money Social Security recipients can earn over the determined limit without having any benefits withheld from Social Security payments. The formula for what is withheld is $1 for each $2 that is earned over the limit. The amount you can earn (before full retirement) and not have benefits withheld is now raised to $1,770 per month for 2023, up from $1,630 monthly (2022). 

Going into full retirement in 2023 will increase your allowable income limit even further with $1 being withheld out of each $3 earned over this limit each month, which is $4,710 monthly in 2023 each month until you are at full retirement age. This is up from $4,330 per month in 2022. And once you reach your full retirement age in 2023, there are no limits on what you can earn.

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