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A special needs trust (SNT) helps disabled individuals keep their social security benefits from Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid benefits while protecting their income and assets.
There may come a time when you or someone you love will need assistance in making important life decisions relating to finances, medical, and real estate. A Power of Attorney (POA) may be necessary to help you or a loved one who would otherwise be incapable of caring for themselves and making such decisions. 
When someone can no longer look after their personal or financial affairs, they will need a legal guardian. They will require someone to look after their needs since they cannot do this for themselves, and could otherwise suffer harm. The person in need of such guardianship can be a child or an adult who is legally considered to be incapacitated, unable to care for themselves, or “intellectually or developmentally disabled.” 
The need for guardianship occurs when a person, for various reasons, cannot take care of their own personal or financial needs. Such an individual can be a minor or an adult and is considered to be at risk. In these cases, the court will appoint someone, a legal guardian, to make decisions for the person in need.
Caregivers have many faces and represent a wide variety of individuals who provide assistance to adult loved ones, neighbors, even friends who are disabled or need help with health issues. Family members and caregivers are often one and the same.
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