KTS Pooled Trust Services

Contact Our Nassau And Suffolk County Support Staff Today

KTS Pooled Trust Services

Contact Our Nassau And Suffolk County Support Staff Today

Hello Long Island

If You’re Worried About Qualifying for Medicaid Home Care Benefits,

Now Is The Time To Talk To KTS about Pooled Income Trusts.

We’ll Help You Qualify For Medicaid To Stay Home And Get The Care You Need – Because We Know How Important Home Is To Those Living In Nassau And Suffolk County.


A pooled trust helps you, or your parent or grandparent, qualify for Medicaid benefits for care at home.
As a member, your excess income* and bills are managed monthly to ensure continued eligibility.
Each pooled trust is regulated and bound by the rules of both Federal and state governments.

WHY Should I Choose KTS Pooled Trust?

To Help Me Qualify For Medicaid?

At KTS, we’ve been helping seniors get the help they need since 2012.
It allows Medicaid recipients to avoid having to spend-down their excess income in order to qualify for benefits including home care.
KTS’ Medicaid Pooled Income Trust is a supplemental needs trust available to New York state beneficiaries.
This trust is bound by all Federal and Medicaid laws and regulations.

How Do I Get Started With KTS

To Get Me Qualified?


Get a free consultation with KTS for help with Medicaid. KTS pooled trust understands that every person is unique, which is why we give you personalized customer service.


We’ll help determine your eligibility and how to become eligible through a Pooled Trust. We’ll determine what you need to successfully qualify for and maintain Medicaid eligibility, including too much earned income.


Join the KTS Pooled Income Trust family and start receiving medicaid home care benefits. We help to recover a sense of stability when times seem desperate. It’s why our members put their trust in us.

Ready To Join KTS Pooled Trust?

©2022 KTS Pooled Trust – All Rights Reserved

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